Thursday, February 24, 2011


They’re thinking about me, these friends of mine.

She’s out shopping when she sees a book to buy. She picks up two, one for herself, but one for her friend…me. Later she sees another book she likes, but after a thorough search, realizes there’s only one. When telling me about it, she says she is planning to share. We go to another store in the same chain, look on the bookshelves, and after a search she calls out in delight, “Here it is!” I reach for it, planning to add it to my purchases. She grins as she hurriedly moves to hug it back to her body, as she says, “No, I said I was getting it for you!” We both like to write and both books are about…you guessed it…writing.

I’m sitting at home. The doorbell rings. I had no idea: they’re thinking about me, these friends of mine.

As I start to open the door I see the mailman or one of the deliverymen has left a package by our door, but no, my friend who is standing there, bends to pick up the tall, rather large box. On it is the picture of a lighthouse. Oh, yes, indeed, they’re thinking about me, these friends of mine! Inside the box is a solar-powered lighthouse that will glow in the dark of night. The two who are giving me this gift see my heart’s love for the coastal land of my birth. She is here to give me their gift, to tell me they know this should be mine. This is not the first such gift from them.

As I look around my rooms, the many gifts given with smiles are frequent reminders of friends of mine. I am thankful for the mementos, but I am even more thankful for dear friends who are thinking of me.

“I thank God in all my remembrance of you…” Philippians 1:3 (NASB)

© Marilyn Sue (Libby) Moore 2-24-2011