Thursday, March 18, 2010


Here in West Texas, we thought we had Spring this past Sunday. As we looked against the brilliant blue of the cloudless sky, we could see the spring green budding of the trees. Red bud and Bradford pear trees were bringing forth blossoms along with shrubs bursting with new buds bragging this year’s growth. A neighbor family was out for a stroll in the street with their infant in the carriage, their little dog on a leash, their young son on his bicycle. All around it was a pleasant day to rejoice in being able to be out and about. However, with the arrival of Monday and Tuesday, cold, dreary gray rain fell from the skies and drenching everything it landed upon. Not only that but it seems all the dampness of previous days combined with the latest abundance of moisture raised up mold spores from deep down because I have been battling the worst case of sinus difficulties I have had in literally years. I thought I started to develop a sinus cold, but this is no cold and by yesterday my taste was gone along with the back-up supply of how many boxes of Kleenex was it we had??? I wonder: if our doctors stop taking Medicare patients, do you suppose a plumber could help stop this persistent drip-drip-drip? Ah, well, this too shall pass...or else I will. My husband filled in the 2010 Census form and I put it in the outgoing mailbox for yesterday's pick up there at the corner. Hubby pointedly said something about it being correct provided neither of us passed prior to April 1st...his comment meaning that I had better get well! I’m glad he loves me.
Yesterday and today have been sunny Spring-like days but get this: the weather forecast for sometime this weekend is for a possible (likely?) freeze! Originally being from Maine, I thought the saying, “If you don’t like New England weather, wait a minute,” originated there; after experiencing the swift changes and hearing similar quotes about West Texas, I am beginning to wonder. I just hope there are no tiny featherless baby birds already in their nests or, if there are, that the mamas and daddies keep them tucked well under their wings. In the meantime, we'll enjoy the warmth and glories of the lovely rays of sunshine. I hope you have the opportunity to go and do likewise. And maybe once my senses have returned I can stop and smell the roses. Ach-choo!

1 comment:

  1. Ka-Zoon-Tite! (however that's spelled) ... and God Bless You too!
